Nature – Architecture – Technology – Sustainability

Sicily – Italy


Man, Nature and technology: Balance between coexistance and development

NATS is an integrated approach that places the harmonious connections between the environment, technological design and social responsibility at the heart of its focus. This synergy aims to create sustainable solutions that take the ecosystem into account by incorporating advanced technologies for a balanced and aware future.

Nature – Architecture – Technology – Sustainability

Join the WaitingList

We will let you know by email as soon as we’ll open the registrations for the workshop.

The workshop participants will be thirty and will be selected among professionals and students in Architectural thesis.
They will be divided into five groups formed by six people each. The lecturers will be two per group: a representative of an architectural firm and one from an architectural faculty.

Each study and University could, if agreed from the beginning, be present in more than one group.
Other lecturers will, if necessary, have the task of consulting on the basis of their specialist sector.
Groups will be coordinated by a tutor.

Join us today


The organisations and architectural studies which currently cover the role of participants/intested parties are: MVRDV, Shigeru Ban, Agenzia Casa Clima, Delft, UCL, ETH.

The requested patronages and the ones currently being requested regard all participants and organisations: MIUR, ENEA, GSE, Ordine Architetti Catania, CNA, UIA, RIBA, ARUP, Regione Sicilia: Assessorato dell’Economia, Assessorato Energia e dei servizi pubblici utilità, Territorio e Ambiente.